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2020 Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award Winner, Riley Krotz

AACSRE's Emerging Fellow, Riley Krotz has won 2020 DocSIG Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award.

Read the Announcement from the American Marketing Association listserv below:

INTEREST CATEGORY: DOCTORAL STUDENTS POSTING TYPE: Awards Author: Jennifer Locander 2020 Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award Winner Dr. Mathew Joseph honors one doctoral student each year who displays exemplary scholarship and a bright future in the academic discipline. This year, three faculty judges were tasked with choosing one doctoral student from a large pool of extremely talented candidates. After tallying student scores, AMA DocSIG is pleased to announce that Riley Krotz, from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has been awarded the 2020 Mathew Joseph Emerging Scholar Award! Riley will receive a plaque, $250, and free registration to the 2020 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference. Congratulations Riley Krotz!

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