Marihelen Millar
Marihelen Millar
Executive Director
Academic Advisory Council for Signage Research and Education (AACSRE)

Marihelen has spent more than 30 years in the field of non-profit management, conducting and completing successful fundraising campaigns, working with teams to launch branding and marketing initiatives, collaborating with community leaders and volunteers to create and implement strategic plans, and advising Boards of Directors and Trustees who oversee the non-profits and university she served. Additionally, she has extensive experience as a volunteer leader, and was nominated and chosen for two Leadership Classes through Greater Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber.
Marihelen holds a B.S. in Organizational Leadership, an M.S. in Marketing, and an MBA, all from the University of Cincinnati. Her extensive marketing experience, both professionally and academically, positions her to lead AACSRE into a new decade.
Marihelen works closely with AACSRE’s Board of Directors to empower the organization to impact future generations of practitioners across interdisciplinary fields through independent, objective research and instruction. These interdisciplinary fields include law, marketing, engineering, architecture, planning, design, advertising, economics, business, and community development.