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Call for Proposals: Editor(s) for Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding (IJSW) Three-y

The Academic Advisory Council for Signage Research and Education (AACSRE) is soliciting applications for qualified individuals to serve as Editor(s) of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding (IJSW) that was established in 2016 as the official journal of AACSRE.

The editor(s) will serve a three-year term from August 20, 2019 to August 15, 2022. The editor(s) is expected to be active for two months prior to the beginning of their term to overlap with the present editor’s term to facilitate an effective transfer. The editor(s) will be responsible for producing two issues of IJSW each year (January 1 and July 1) starting in 2020 (a total of 6 issues).

The IJSW editors receive financial support from AACSRE to operate the editorial office. The host institution is required to provide additional in-kind support (such as the editor’s time, space, etc.) to allow effective completion of the editorial responsibilities.

Budget matters are detailed below and additional information can be obtained by contacting Patty Herbin, Executive Director, AACSRE at the email address listed below.

The editor and editorial office have full responsibility for the solicitation of manuscripts, manuscript review and selection process, and all publication responsibilities including design, formatting, layout, copyediting, etc., as well as various organizational responsibilities to AACSRE. This includes assuring that authors adhere to the publication schedule as well as anticipating and responding to problems with graphics, page counts, and the like.

Currently AACSRE partners with the University of Oklahoma to electronically publish the Journal through the OU Libraries. The editor will be responsible for either 1) maintaining this relationship and closely coordinating the electronic transfer of journal materials to the OU Libraries for their timely and effective online publication, or 2) establishing a cost-effective relationship with another reputable publisher of online academic journals. In addition, the editors work closely with AACSRE and the IJSW journal committee in marketing the Journal.

The new editor(s) is also expected to explore new possibilities for indexing or abstracting in leading citation services. The editor(s) is expected to find ways of increasing visibility and circulation including but not limited to institutions and faculty throughout North America, as well as worldwide.

Editing IJSW provides faculty with the opportunity to be at the center of research in signage, wayfinding and other areas of urban communication. In addition, the editor(s) will become a member of the AACSRE Board, and attend and contribute to Board meetings.

Applications are due Friday, May 30, 2019 by 5 pm Eastern Time in one PDF document emailed to Patty Herbin, Executive Director, AACSRE at and should include the following information:

  1. A statement outlining the applicant’s qualifications, reasons for seeking the position, and overall objectives as editor of IJSW. In explaining overall objectives, specifically address the vision and identity of the Journal to be achieved during the applicant’s tenure; the steps to be taken to ensure the pool of high quality, publishable manuscripts; and the means to be employed to expand the visibility and readership of the Journal.

  2. A current C.V.

  3. Evidence of institutional support, in the form of a letter from the appropriate university or college administrative officer assuring release time for the Editor(s), the allocation of editorial space, and other overhead expenses. Institutional support should include general office staffing sufficient for fiscal and administrative record keeping and computer operations.

  4. Evidence of high quality in-house (or external) ability for design, formatting, copyediting, layout, et. (provide details if these abilities are to be obtained externally).

In its deliberations, the Committee will be guided by the following criteria.

The editor of the Journal should:

  1. Be affiliated with an accredited academic program related to signage and wayfinding and/or other relevant areas of urban communication.

  2. Be established in the academic community by virtue of contributions in teaching, research and publication.

  3. Exhibit a broad understanding of signage and wayfinding and/or other relevant areas of urban communication reflected through education, interests and publications.

  4. Have sufficient and sustained institutional support over the full term of the editorship.

The Search Committee expects to recommend the next editor to the AACSRE Board by mid-June 2019. The new editor(s) will accept full responsibility for Journal production and begin reviewing manuscript submissions on August 20, 2019. The new editor(s) are also expected to familiarize themselves and engage with the existing editorial team prior to this date to allow for a smooth transition.

AACSRE budgets an annual amount not to exceed $40,000 to the host university to support editorial operations and to pay for the managing editor salary; supplement salary for the editor(s); special editor stipends; travel to promote journal; operating expenses; efforts to market and publicize IJSW; and other costs associated with the Journal. In-kind support, office space, release time for editors, and any additional support needed for journal operation should be provided by the host university and detailed in the proposal.

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Patty Herbin, Executive Director, AACSRE at for any additional information and details.

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