Annual Report on Scope of Work Accomplished in 2018
Prepared by Patty S. Herbin, Executive Director
January, 2019
2018 allowed AACSRE to intentionally build upon the systemic development of programs in response to its mission and vision. The year has allowed for alignment with new thought leadership and industry end users. This annual report details the scope of work accomplished during 2018 using three overarching categories: (1) organizational framework; (2) program implementation; and (3) sustainability.
Below are the highlights of the implementation of infrastructure systems:
Expansion to 18 universities aligned with AACSRE: University of Cincinnati, University of New Mexico, Fashion Institute of Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Baylor, Penn State, Seattle University, TAMU, University of Arkansas, Oklahoma University, Ohio State University, Michigan State University, University of Oregon, Villanova, Cleveland State University, University of Florida, School of Art Institute of Chicago and University of Houston. AACSRE received a clean review with no material weaknesses identified.
Confirmation/orientation for new Board members, Dr. Mathew Isaac and Dr. Aparna Sundar.
Establishment of the Futures Committee chaired by Dr. James Kellaris with charter of work developed.
The charter of work for each committee was refined with milestones identified: Steven Kopp (Emerging Fellows); Chris Auffrey (Investments); Alan Weinstein (On-Line Course Development); Joe Rickman (Sustainability); Vikas Mehta (IJSW) and Andrea Dixon/Patty (Marketing).
IJSW contract renewed with Dr. Dawn Jourdan and TAMU.
Planning/execution of two meetings of the full AACSRE Board of Directors—April via dial in conferencing and October at TAMU.
Planning/execution of two meetings of the Executive Committee of AACSRE—January via dial in conferencing and July 31-August planning retreat in Charlotte, NC.
Continuing collaborations with FASI, SEGD, ACSP, American Sign Museum, Atlantic Sign Media, Gemini Signs, Luminous Neon and Tubelite.
Acknowledgement of board service to Dr. Gene Hawkins, Fred Oss and Phil Garvey.
Recognition to charter officers/leadership at the October meeting.
Marketing banner utilized for branding at board meetings, ACSP and other meetings. Dawn, Chris and Alan hosted an AACSRE introductory session at the October meeting of ACSP.
“Defining AACSRE’s Strategic Center” document distributed to potential donors.
Coordinated workshop with Dr. Andrea Dixon on “Influencers” at October meeting which netted the topics for integration into ready reference guide for the Board.
Planning for AACSRE participation in theTransformative Consumer Research.
Three primary focus areas drove the programmatic schedule for AACSRE during 2018:
Two new issues of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding (IJSW) were published. Significant efforts to build awareness for the Journal included multiple news releases, links to websites, features in newsletter and Twitter.
Emerging Fellows Program made four awards to: Dr. Aparna Sundar of the University of Oregon; Dr. Eric Ragan of TAMU/University of Florida; Rita To of the University of Houston; and Muhammed Rahman of the University of Cincinnati.
Coordinated the process of negotiating the awards process for each fellow and their respective academic setting.
All four Fellows presented at the October Board meeting.
Briefed Board mentors—Chris Auffrey (Ragan); Vikas Mehta (Rahman); Rita To (Ellen Babcock; and Dawn Jourdan (Aparna Sundar).
On-Line Course Development included the process of identifying the advantages of developing stand alone modules vs. packaging as a comprehensive series of topics. Dawn and Alan have developed a template for a sign law model which could be integrated into a comprehensive course format or used as a stand-alone module in urban planning.
A ready reference guide was developed for use by the Board in making presentations to colleagues, professional organizations and prospective donors.
Packets for contacts with colleagues, donor and professional organizations include: “Defining AACSRE’s Strategic Center”; “Measuring the Impact of AACSRE”; and updates on Facebook, website and Twitter as well as comprehensive press releases.
Photos and profiles were completed and posted for all Board members.
Efforts to reface the Journal layout.
Database developed/transitioned into MAILCHIMP.
Collaboration with Dr. Jocelyn Widmer of the University of Florida as a thought leader for on-line course development.
Contract negotiated with the Inn at Villanova for 2019 Board meeting.
List of primary prospects was refined with the expectation for personal cultivation.
Announcement of first 100% giving from the AACSRE Board of Directors.
Profiles developed on key legacy donors