Patty S. Herbin
Executive Director
Academic Advisory Council for Signage Research and Education (AACSRE)

Patty has been successfully implementing advancement, research, resource development and project management for nonprofit organizations and higher education since 1972. She has extensive experience within the four-year liberal arts setting, and also has senior administrative experience with the two-year and four-year public higher education arenas. Patty has provided leadership for numerous community based initiatives, which have involved strategic planning, organizational development, board/volunteer recruitment and campaign development.
Patty’s immersion into the field of signage and visual communications began in 2005. Over the past decade, Patty has organized a strategic partnership between academia and the world-class sign industry. She has orchestrated a series of national conferences, which contributed to the topical areas of the science, technology, art/advertising and regulation of signage. Patty was instrumental in the establishment of the Academic Advisory Council for Signage and Research, which is committed to building thought leadership for signage research and education. AACSRE provides independent thought leadership in an exciting interdisciplinary space within academia. Patty helped in the formation of AACSRE’s Emerging Fellows program and Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding (IJSW). Her extensive experience within education and non-profit management provides direction to the programming and outreach for the fourteen charter universities within AACSRE.
Patty’s leadership and counsel for AACSRE empower the organization to impact future generations of practitioners across interdisciplinary fields through independent, objective research and instruction. These interdisciplinary fields include law, marketing, engineering, architecture, planning, design, advertising, economics, business and community development.