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Craig M Berger

Liaison for Development and Curricular Support for Communication Design Pathways at the Fashion Institute of Technology

Principal at Craig Berger Management Consulting

Craig Berger is currently Liaison for Development and Curricular Support for the new CD Pathways program. Prior to his current position, he served for six years as Chair of the Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design Program, and was also a consultant on professional, manufacturing, and academic projects. Craig started as a preservation architect before managing sign and streetscape programs for the Foundation for Architecture starting in 1996. There, Craig became an expert in urban sign and interpretive programs. With that experience, Craig built a consulting business centered around the development of planning, technical and educational tools in new practice areas. He worked with clients like DuPont and Sunoco. He also helped launch citywide wayfinding programs in Miami Beach, Washington, DC, Tampa Bay, Alexandria, Virginia and Wilmington, Delaware.

Craig took those skills to the Society for Environmental Graphic Design (SEGD) in 2002, and developed an educational and training program for the organization based on designer competencies. He also created outreach programs in universities and other design associations. Inside SEGD Craig worked to expand design knowledge through an extensive educational program of workshops, lectures, teleconferences and publications in three specific areas: Wayfinding, Brand Environments, and Exhibition Design. He has also spearheaded education programs in practice areas like the ADA, dynamic wayfinding, and evidence based design.

Education: Craig received an architecture degree from Penn State University in 1993, and a MBA from Temple University in 1999.

As a Design Consultant with his firm CBMC, Craig’s long-term clients include: International Sign Association, 3M, IDS, Direct Embed, Bitro Group, MSSign.

Craig has developed dozens of projects. His most recent major projects include: the Covenant Group Architectural Identity Program, Eastman Kodak Performing Art Center Façade, A Design Exhibition for the International Sign Association, Upper Perkiomen Wayfinding Program, and Hablamos Juntos Symbols Program.

Craig has written five books and more than 40 publications and articles. His best known books include: Sign Code Best Practices, Retail Signage, Strategies for Return on Investment, Urban Wayfinding Planning and Implementation Manual, What is Exhibition Design, Wayfinding, Designing and Implementing Graphic Navigation Systems.

The Academic Advisory Council for Signage Research & Education

Cincinnati, OH 45202, USA  |  859-653-6503

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