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A Message from the Chairperson of the Board

Thank you for your interest in the Academic Advisory Council for Signage Research and Education. I am proud to be a part of this newly incorporated organization. First envisioned three years ago, AASCRE represents a meeting of the minds of academics who are engaged in the creation and dissemination of research on the topic of on-premise signage. This includes experts in the fields of urban planning, engineering, business, marketing, communications, art, architecture and law, among others. These academic representatives work to make a contribution to scholarship in one of these fields annually. They conduct research, write peer reviewed journal articles, and make presentations on their findings in their classrooms, at national conferences, and provide continuing education credits to professionals in their fields.

The impact of this small and focused group of scholars is broad. In 2014, nearly half of all of AACSRE’s members submitted or published at least one peer reviewed journal publication on the topic of sign education and research. Two-thirds of these scholars received some level of funding to support their research in signage. Working with their students, these scholars generated interesting studio-based knowledge as part of an effort to train the next generation of scholars. Notably, research by some of AACSRE’s members has been cited in legal opinion in both State and Federal court opinions as a result of the caliber of their publications and expert testimony.

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