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Research is a vital proponent of all areas of the world, and we know it. As an organization we are committed to building and supporting research related to signage. Below you will see the immense opportunities we provide those in Academia to become thought-leaders in the area of signage.

  • Access to interdisciplinary network of thought leaders across the country.

  • Advance knowledge of funding opportunities and the ability to compete for limited submission resources.

  • A forum for knowledge dissemination.

  • Interactive classroom tools to enhance field specific education.

  • Emerging Fellows Program that ensures continue dedication to thought-leaders in signage.

  • Comprehensive networking and communications with subject matter experts.

  • Alignment with professional associations and interdisciplinary organization.

  • Opportunities for participation in peer-reviewed research process.

  • Technical expertise on how signage can be addressed within each academic discipline to create a cross-disciplinary dialogue.

  • Access to the Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding

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